InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefEverything Glorifies Allah: Pollination and a Falling Leaf“…And there is not a thing except that it exalts [Allāh] by His praise…” (Qur’an, 17:44)Nov 28, 2024Nov 28, 2024
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefSigns in Creation: How Order in the Cosmos Points to Allah“If there had been in the heavens and the earth other gods besides Allah, they both would have been corrupted…” (Surah Al-Anbiya, 21:22).Dec 2, 2024Dec 2, 2024
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefSecrets of Incubation: Divine Guidance Revealed in Nature“Moses answers, “Our Lord is He who gave each thing its form and then guided it.” (Quran, 20:50)Dec 12, 2024Dec 12, 2024
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefProof of God (1): How DNA Demands a Conscious CreatorIf we found a book on Mars, what would we conclude about its origin?Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefProof of God (2): How the Shapes of Living Beings Demand a CreatorWhat would we conclude if we found a picture on Mars?Feb 3, 2023Feb 3, 2023
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefProof of God (3): How the Artistry of Nature Proves the Existence of GodIf we discovered a vivid painting on Mars, what would be the most plausible explanation for its creation? Could it be chance?Feb 16, 2023Feb 16, 2023
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefProof of God (4): How Precision in the Universe Proves God’s ExistenceIs it in any way possible that the precise ratios of substances found in a simple medicine were determined by chance and coincidence?Feb 22, 20232Feb 22, 20232
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefProof of God (5): How Emergent Properties Prove God’s ExistenceEmergent properties are qualities, like beauty, that arise from a collection of parts but are not present in individual parts.Mar 1, 20231Mar 1, 20231
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefProof of God (6): How Natural Clothing Proves the Existence of GodWe brought you into existence, then We gave you each a form (perfectly suited to your nature). (Qur’an, 7:11)Mar 12, 20231Mar 12, 20231
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefProof of God (7): Mechanical Engineering in PomegranateIn this article, we delve into the fascinating world of mechanical engineering in pomegranates and how it proves the existence of God.May 17, 20232May 17, 20232
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefProof of God (8): The Perfect Balance in Animal AbilitiesNature’s intricate tapestry of life showcases a harmonious balance, where every element has its role and purpose.May 22, 20233May 22, 20233
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefProof of God (9): The Meticulous Orbital Arrangement in the Solar SystemThe precise arrangement of billions of interlocked orbitis in the Solar System is an irrefutable proof for the existence of God.Jun 5, 202312Jun 5, 202312
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefProof of God (10): Evidence of Pre-Planning in the UniverseIn this article, we will demonstrate how complex natural systems require pre-planning and how it proves the existence of God.Jun 12, 20233Jun 12, 20233
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefUnity of God (1): The Necessity of a Singular AuthorityA system cannot be governed by multiple independent and equal authorities.Jun 19, 2023Jun 19, 2023
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefUnity of God (2): Unique Similarities in Natural EntitiesWe will explore an interesting evidence on the unity of God by looking at the similarities found in natural products and processes.Jun 22, 20232Jun 22, 20232
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefDebunking the Problem of Evil: 8 Reasons Why Suffering ExistsThere are many reasons for the existence of difficulties and sufferings like illnesses and natural disasters. We will provide 8.Feb 28, 20232Feb 28, 20232
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefExistence of God vs. Existence of UnicornsHave you ever engaged in a discussion about the existence of God only to be met with an analogy comparing it to the belief in unicorns?May 27, 20232May 27, 20232
InILLUMINATIONbyRational BeliefDesign Argument: Answering a Common ObjectionThe Objection: “Complex things can form through natural processes, rendering the notion of the Creator unnecessary.”Jun 1, 20232Jun 1, 20232
InRational BeliefbyRational BeliefUnpacking the Flaws: A Response to Criticisms of the Argument from DesignThis is a response to the article “An Argument from Design for the Existence of God” by Sheng-Ta Tsai where they criticize the argument.Mar 8, 20231Mar 8, 20231